Managing Behavior

One of the biggest challenges for some students at school is successfully managing their behavior. Of course, this may also be a challenge at home. Sometimes it feels like we are constantly correcting and redirecting our students. When this happens it becomes very discouraging and frustrating for all involved; teachers, parents, and the student.

One approach to managing behavior that shifts the dynamics in a much more positive direction is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding students in some way whenever they exhibit an expected behavior. For instance, if a student were to come home from school, get unpacked, and get their homework done with little prompting from Mom or Dad, they could receive some heavy praise, extra time on a device, or earn a marble for their jar (see below).

Parents and guardians are sometimes hesitant to reward students for behaviors they are "supposed to be doing anyway." However, by focusing on and rewarding what's working well for everyone, we can insure that these things happen more frequently. Check out the following articles for more information and ideas about techniques and styles of managing behavior.

How to Use a Marble Jar

Managing Problem Behavior at Home

Four Types of Parenting Styles


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